Joanne Wilkes Artists Profile Statement: A self-taught realist, surrealist and impasto miniaturist painter, my work has evolved over the years as I continue to be influenced by life experiences, the only constant being change. Career Highlights: · Experience I have produced work for numerous exhibitions, solo and group shows, finding my own creative path through the media of - oil, gouache, paper mache', mixed media and collage through to impasto oil miniatures, applying the paint with a knife, realism is the common vein throughout my work. · Awards | |
2006 - | Merit Award in the Auckland Royal Easter Show |
2004 - | Highly Commended in the Taranaki Art Review. |
2004 - | 2nd Place in the Taranaki Society of Arts Miniature Painting Awards. |
2003 - | Merit Award in the Taranaki Society of Arts Miniature Painting Awards. |
2003 - | Equal Winner in the Taranaki Art Review. |
2002 - | 2nd Place in the Taranaki Society of Arts Miniature Painting Awards. |
2001 - | Merit Award in the Taranaki Society of Arts Miniature Painting Awards. |
2000 - | Finalist in the New Plymouth District Plan Art Awards. |
2000 - | Finalist in the Taranaki Telecom Art Awards. |
1999 - | Finalist in the New Plymouth District Plan Art Awards. |
1998 - | Finalist in the Taranaki Telecom Art Awards. |
1992 - | Finalist in the Taranaki Telecom Art Awards. |
· Selected Exhibitions | |
2006 - | Taranaki Collection - Percy Thomson Gallery, Stratford. |
2006 - | Festival exhibition and govenor General Art Award, NZ Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington. |
2005 - | X-Factor, Percy Thomson Gallery, Stratford. |
2004-2005 | Sea Week, Real Tart Gallery, New Plymouth. |
2004 - | From the Tip of My Knife to the Swish of My Brush, Bridgeman Gallery, Fitzroy. |
2004 - | Collage selected to represent New Zealand, Le Meilleur du Nouvelle-Ze'lande, Lle'me Salon International du Collage & de l'Assemblage Contemporain, Espace St Martin, Paris and Muse'e Artcolle, Sergines, France. |
2003-2006 | New Zealand Fine Arts Academy exhibitions, Wellington. |
2003-2003 | For Our Convenience, Bridgeman Gallery, Fitzroy. |
2003 - | Real Tarts in K-Road, Gully Lounge Gallery, Auckland. |
2003 - | Impasto Taranaki, Bridgeman Gallery, Fitzroy. |
2003 - | Come To Life, New Plymouth exhibition, Tamarillo Gallery, Wellington. |
2003 - | Feature artist in the Taranaki Society of Arts exhibition, New Plymouth |
2002 - | Melba Tart, Melbourne, Australia. |
2001 - | Australian Society of Miniature Art 8th International Art Awards, Queensland, Australia. |
2001 - | Biennial de Cerviera, 5 works part of CD Rom presentation of Taranaki art, Portugal. |
2000 - | Apple Tart, Lincoln Gallery, New York. |
1998 - | North Shore City Art Awards, Auckland. |
1995 - | Primary Discoveries, solo exhibition in the Taranaki Museum, New Plymouth. |
· Collections My works are in private collections locally and around New Zealand, America, England, Australia, Japan, Mexico and Bulgaria. |
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