Recent Paintings   by   Paul Hutchinson

Click on any image for a larger view.

Lower Pitone Road Paora Road

Still Life with 5 Vessels Still Life with Little Men

Red Wooden Chair

A self portrait in pastels, working from life using a mirror,
the long slow progress, then ready for framing.

Bowl of Fruit Cherries For the compost

Our house at Puniho The road to the sea

Self portrait in mask 5 bottles & matches Buttercups for Dale

Paul Hutchinson lives at Puniho in Taranaki, Aotearoa New Zealand,
with fellow artist Dale Copeland and his dogs Jimi Houndrix and Missy.
See more of his work on his website at
and also in the Showcase section of this Virtual Tart site.

email Paul at

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Copyright of all images remains with the artist.
These pages are written and maintained by Dale Copeland, Puniho Art.
Please email me if something's not working. Thank you.