Paintings by Jan Huijbers

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Ocean Patterns

conus/leopardus After the Human Race survives AI   - & detail

Ctenophore Coral   - & detail Follow Me

Metallica   - & detail Pacific Obstruction Tanifa Moana   - & detail

Peace to the Ocean   - & detail Ocean Guard  - & detail

:Conus leopardus Pacifica   - & detail Elementary Basics 2  - & detail

Indo Pacific Tapa (and detail)

Leopardus shell series 1 Leopardus shell series 2
(repainted 2022)
Leopardus shell series 3

Ocean's Genetic Forces Spirits (and detail)

Click here to see Jan's painting series "Poetry in Motion"
Pacific Leopardus An ocean shell pattern in a festive mood Robo's Universe

Beautiful Terebra Reflecting land and ocean Beware of the Dog

The Pacific voluta musica connection

Terebra Maculata shell Sea Leopard The Samoan Trochus shell
direct ocean connection

Terebra Maculata "Please do read my message" Terebra Maculata Samoan starfish and Terebra Maculata
a siapo connection

Oliva Porphyria geometric aesthetics 1 Oliva Porphyria geometric aesthetics 2
Click here to scroll to Jan's ECO paintings

Feeling Free with detail
Ultimate holiday destination,
"Orange city under the seven moons".
Robo world Olympic games.

Pacific Blue

Tribal cross over Icon Moana Lisa (repainted) Pacific Saint

Two planets robo's world Animal Illusions

All fabric derived
from earth rock

Global Message The arrival, 2 Mirrors from the past

Girl with the fashionable red shoes The arrival, 1 Getting hot in Arctica
See some of Jan Huijber's earlier paintings.

study on metamorphose The Pacific Kiss Sea Leopard Cross

Strange colours appearing in rock pools Strange colours floating through Antarctica (repainted) Strange colours floating through Antarctica

Sea Leopard

Let us catch a fairy tale & detail

Once in a blue moon circus & detail
Neptunes party & detail

Click here to see Jan's painting series "Poetry in Motion"

Ocean Shamanic Carnival Neptune's Zoo

Neptunes Guests
Pacific tribal connections

Genetic ocean markers Pacific islands in colour The Meeting

Neptune's treasure Neptune's gate

Ocean carnival Marching colours (& detail)

Happy Days (& detail) Liquid Ocean
Click here to scroll to Jan's ECO paintings

Genetic Encounter Ocean Angel (& detail)

Ocean banknotes (detail )
Tapa Moana Series Tapa Moana Series
Elementary basics

Tapa Moana series (detail )
Tapa Moana series (detail )
Simultaneous movements Ocean deluge

Marine kind creatures (detail )
The framed genetic ones
Tapa Moana Series
Tapa Moana series

Ocean ancient evolution Whale Sperm Spirit of Taranaki

Scarlet Connections

Cuming's Cone Atlantis 4 Atlantic Crossroads

Gate to the Underworld The Eye of the Ocean
See some of Jan Huijber's earlier paintings.

Ocean Heartbeat Whale's Cry Oceania

Pacific Melody Pacific Treaty

Ocean Script (Terebra Maculata) Embrace (Map Cowrie) Ripple (Chlamys Nodosus)

(Conus augur solander) Raro Leopard (Conus leopardus)

Radical understanding about patterns on shells.

Sacred Flight
(Chiton ischno versidolor)
Cloud Four
(Conus betulinus)
Mayan Angle
(Conus magus)
Click here to see Jan's painting series "Poetry in Motion"

For several years I have painted shells because I was attracted to their unique brilliant colours and their structures. My purpose is to show that shells can communicate to us. In ancient times shells played a role in the cultures of many people on the globe. For example shells were traded as currency in the Pacific Islands and in Hinduism the turbinella pyrum shell had a sacred function. Even today, the conch is used to sound the coming of the Divine Master based on the ancient tradition.

Conus bulbus (X5)

An example of a study analysis of a single shell pattern into their well balanced parts.

After studying and painting shells, I developed the idea to focus on pattern of colour and design and to enhance this as an art form. The shells began to communicate to me their message via colour and pattern, rather than through their structure so it is this idea that I would like to develop further.

Sea People (Oliva incrassata)

Zebraic Creatures (Neritina Communis) Current Reflections (Smaragdia Viridus)

The shell patterns (as shown here) can further be categorised in their "family tree" (cones, cowries, olives, conches, etc.) and by doing so, I became quite excited to see how strong these combinations became as an art form together. I have gained an insight that nature is sending us a message and I can bring this awareness to others by developing this art.

Upwards Movements (Chiton abolineatus) (detail)

At present the shell project is in a progressive stage and a lot of study has begun with investigating family groups and relationships. This will proceed as a creative process transforming the shell images into an art form. The paintings showing developed studies of shell patterns, (without seeing the shell itself) as an extremely well balanced separation of positive and negative fields created by a natural growing process of the shell.

Arctic Attractions (Oliva porphyria) (X3)

The discoveries by Professor Stephen Wolfram in his book "A New Kind Of Science" shows that by using the types of rules (cellular automata) embodied in a very simple computer program, one can see many of the basic mechanisms of nature in a very complex way!

The patterns created by these simple cellular automata computer programs showing pattern prints,very similar to the those on shells.

As a result the emotional balance between nature and science's negative and positive fields within the shell patterns are "just perfect".
(Reference: pages 11,24,25,55,192,423,etc. of Prof. Stephen Wolfram's book "A new kind of science")

Tribal Meeting (Conus tanunculus)

Also you can imagine on a large scale canvases with their vibrant colours into well-selected combinations can create a fresh approach of art communication to the viewer.

When whole series of pattern combinations are arranged together the images will be acting like a musical notebook or a language - the ocean language.

(Conus leopardus) (Conus jickeli)

I realise this is just a beginning in what is an very exciting developing art expression supported by science and nature.

Sincerely hoping the "Radical understanding about patterns on shells" project has touched your heart and interest.

Aztec City (Voluta Cymbiola Vespertilius) Star Wars (Oliva Sayana Ravenal)

Expected outcomes:
First: To re-generate further the ancient emotional and ritual connection between the ocean and humanity.
Second: A chance to re-visit our lost and forgotten feelings with nature.

Trumpeteer (Conus pergrandus) Musical Notebook (Voluta musica) Adam & Eve (Conus princeps)

ECO Series

Plastic Ocean Soup

Black Ice Methanext

Beauty and the Beast Freaking Fracking Where do they go?

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With assistance from:

Jan Huijbers

Description of work 2003-2021
'The intention of my work is to make you aware of the well-being of the Ocean. For me the Ocean is the most beautiful thing in the world with all its blue and purity.
Nowhere else are the colours so brilliant as here in the Pacific. But those colours are fading as well as its creatures. They (the Ocean) don't have the power to stop the abuse and attack from human activity. Their spirit is enclosed in the story shown in the art, to tell us to make a connection / bridge of respect to their world. Restoring this respect will give us both the rights to live, destruction will end both worlds.

Brief biography
Jan is a full time artist currently residing in New Plymouth Taranaki-New Zealand.
In his art career he has been working many years in an arts team creating huge sculptures for the yearly famous flower Corso in Zundert,The Netherlands.
Been commissioned by Gilze Rijen for the new City Council building; the Trappisten Abbey in Zundert and designing a 300 anniversary banner for a guild in Klein Zundert.
Migrating to Aotearoa in 1983 from the Netherlands. Jan has since adopted the Pacific influence and develops his own insights of its methodologies.
As a practicing artist, he was chairman of the North Taranaki Community Arts Council (2008-2012) and is a committee member of the Creative Communities Arts Advisory Council in New Plymouth.
He has joined in selected group and solo exhibitions, created mural art and led light windows for Francis Douglas school institution.
He has exhibited internationally and locally, throughout the North and South Islands.
Selected shows include: Mishima Japan 1992: Australia Melbourne 'Chapel of Chapels Gallery' 2003, Vancouver Canada 2007 'City of Arts'.
Illustrator for the Puke Ariki Museum creating pre-European Maori images with consent and collaboration of the Maori tribal chiefs and elders.
Solo exhibition at the Percy Thomson Gallery 2005- Stratford and Puke Ariki Museum 2006 in New Plymouth.
Nominated as finalist for the 'Martin Hughes Contemporary Pacific Art Award' 2005- Auckland.
'Two artist shows' at the 'Pumphouse Gallery' 2006- Auckland and 'The Hauraki House Gallery' 2008 in Coromandel.
In 2009 a solo exhibition at the 'Puke Ariki Museum'; collaborated exhibitions at the 'Percy Thomson Gallery' in Stratford.
Dec. 2010 Finalist with sculpture 'Sea Leopard' for the 'Kinetika' event at Puke Ariki.
In Feb.2010 exhibition at the 'Real Tart Gallery' and art tutor in New Plymouth.
2011 'Renegade Exhibition' Puke Ariki Museum New Plymouth.
Etham Gallery Oct 2012 'Fracked' exhibition with 23 local artists.
Art tutor at the Real Tart Gallery New Plymouth and Art mentor coaching a group of art students.
March 2012 : Percy Thomson Gallery 'Blown away with glass'.
Art exhibition at Waitara Marea during WOMAD festival.
2013 Taranaki Art Awards exhibition.
2013 ECO exhibition at the Korver Molloy Gallery.
2013 Art tutor at Virtual Tart Gallery New Plymouth
Exhibition “Of the wall” at Virtual Tart GalleryNew Plymouth.
Exhibition “Korver Molloy Gallery” New Plymouth.
2014 Selected art exhibit. “Homework” Puke Ariki Museum New Plymouth.
Exhibit. “Art de Nouvelle-Zelande”, Galarie 59 Rivoli a Paris-France.
Exhibit. “Waitai Gallery” Opunake Taranaki
Exhibit. “J.D.Reid Gallery New Plymouth.v “Taranaki Arts Trail 2014” studio exhibit New Plymouth.
Exhibit “Korver Molloy Gallery” New Plymouth.
2015 Exhibit. “Meet the Taranaki Artists” at Volcano View Restaurant New Plymouth.
“Taranaki Arts Trail 2015“ studio exhibit.
Exhibit. “Taranaki Arts Award 2015” Opunake Taranaki.
Exhibition Taranaki Arts Trail at Percy Thomson Gallery in Stratford-NZ. Exhibit “Korver Molloy Gallery-Open Space” New Plymouth.
2016 Art tutor “Gables Gallery” New Plymouth.
Exhibit. “Art Nouvelle -Zelande” , Galerie 59 Rivoli a Paris-France
“Taranaki Arts Trail 2016” studio exhibit. New Plymouth.
Exhibit. “Taranaki Arts Trail” at Percy Thomson Gallery New Plymouth.
2017 Exhibit. J.D.Reid Gallery “World Ecology Art” New Plymouth.
Art tutor “The Gables Gallery” New Plymouth.
Exhibit. “Taranaki Artists in Cornwall” England.
Exhibit. “See Nothing” Percy Thomson Gallery- Stratford.
Exhibit. Percy Thomson Gallery “Down to earth” Stratford Taranaki.
Exhibit “Kumeu Arts Centre “ Auckland NZ.
Exhibit. “Koru on Devon Gallery” New Plymouth.
2018 Art tutor at “The Gables Gallery” New Plymouth.
Exhibit, “Quality Inn Hotel” New Plymouth.
Exhibit “Koru on Devon Gallery” New Plymouth.
2019 Exhibit “Taranaki Arts Trail” studio exhibition New Plymouth.
Percy Thomson Gallery exhibit. “Taranaki Arts Trail” at Stratford.
Solo Exhibit. at Kumeu Arts Centre-Auckland NZ.
Curator for the exhibition , Taranaki related artists working nationally and internationally,
exhibition called ”Taranaki Artocracy” at Percy Thomson Gallery.
Radio Access show together with local artist Alby Carter.
2020 Art tutor at “Gover Street Gallery”
Exhibit “Covid-19 virus lock down in NZ”, Percy Thomson Gallery-Stratford.
Janes Gallery “public art studio exhibit Jan Huijbers-New Plymouth.
Exhibit. Taranaki Arts Trail 2020 at Vulcano View Restaurant.
Exhibit. New Plymouth International Hotel.

News - 2024
The artwork created in Zundert the Netherlands between 1979 and 1983, containing 40 works, is submitted to Museum De Weeghreijse in Zundert.
Generally, the artwork media is ink on semi-transparent polyester showing landscapes and buildings in a variety of sizes A2 to A4.
The date of handing over to the museum is 7 September 2024.

Jan Huijbers lives and works in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
email Jan at
Click here to see Jan's painting series "Poetry in Motion"
Click here to scroll to Jan's ECO paintings
See some of his earlier paintings.

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All images © Jan Huijbers