Dale Copeland

click on images for a closer look


Hopes & Fears

Just waiting my turn
A platter of light
If pigs could fly

Looking Forward, and looking back
Reincarnation of the Lecher

The Process of Memory
How does it work, and how does it fail?
As difficult to analyse as this assemblage is difficult to photograph

The Day of the Dead The Healing Hand

Seen in the Rest Home What's the word for .... We are the pawns

Self Portrait Kings, Commoners, All Far from the madding crowd

Virginia's Choice Your Choice is the Child's Future

Not-Very-Merry-Go-Round Time Runs Out You're being watched

Damage Control You voted for THIS?

from under the rubble The Snake Charmer Celebration

Dance while you can Homage to the working man

A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go Street Scene Child of War

NOW Unrequited love Night Light

Oh ME, Oh MY The cockatrice - a child's view The mess of memory

All that's left of the great OE Travelbags
(Two works made for the ABROAD exhibition)
Dance till they drop you

Remember Always *ego* The children will blame us

Look at what's just come home again!!
Click on any image to read how and why.

Kia Kaha Doing Time Manifestations

Play while you can Time is short

Tread softly. The last heavy smoker
( with detail )
A found treasure from Korea   NFS

Water under the bridge
( closed and open )   NFS
A History of War
Three small assemblages K, J, and L
each 7.5cm (3") square
Till death do us part

Icarus would feel right at home here, now The Dream Just when you thought you'd really made it.

Photo by Janine Cook,
during the 2023 Taranaki Arts Trail.

First day at the big school
Archetypes of Choice Enemies of Reason

One far corner.     Before . . . . . . . . . . and after
The huge clean-up progresses, very very slowly .... now more than halfway around the studio. Stubborn? Who, me?
All done now, and back to making things, playing ... feel like dancing in all this space.

Affidavit of Plight
Above, Beyond
with details
20 / 20

with details
Where one day becomes all days
with another view

Poster for my " ... still thinking ..." exhibition
and for the one-day workshop which
Carl Fairweather and I ran in Hawera, in May, 2022.
The proper poster for the gallery

When they heard about the Second Coming The love of money is the root of all evil Even the best memories

Marianne's Brushes

Me and Mine Ring the bells, the best is behind us.

Remnant of the Big Bang   NFS I always thought that the path would be clear Juxtaposition of disparate elements
(see the response to the naming request)

From nothing to nowhere Integrity Copper Leaves

THINKS - my exhibition
which was at the Percy Thomson Gallery in Stratford

Click here to see the assemblages in the exhibition ...
absolutely superb photos by Rhonda Bunyan.

or click here to see
how the exhibition looked with the assemblages
surrounded by the international collage collection.
The gallery did an exciting job of hanging this show.
The International Collage Collection

Amongst all your treasures
the most precious is time

from the HIVE MIND exhibition
at the Village Gallery, Eltham.
from the exhibition of the same name
at the Percy Thomson Gallery, Stratford.

A Parting Gift So little time to fly No Planet B

Ambition, Hopes & Dreams Complex Parabola
One of the four 3D graphs you get by
plotting y=x²   where x and y are complex numbers.

Gift from the TruthSayer The Kardashians' Anatomy Lesson for Little Girls (now home again) The Future Will Engulf

Be as good as you can, at what you can.
While you can.
From Granny Devereux Dead Man Dreaming

Taniwha under the Huatoki Bridge Relic

Wherever you go, there you are WarMaker Diminuendo

Philosophy of the Found
An edition of 100 handbound books of my work.
Written printed and bound during lockdown.
All sold now.

Mindfulness Out of Africa Gift from the Sea

A Walk Through the Cemetery Last in the Line

The cockeyed optimist and the inadequate navigator

And a few of my earlier favourites.
A lot more can be seen in the 8 'rooms' of my own site, at www.dalecopeland.co.nz
(with details)   NFS
The Orphan The inevitability of mathematics
(with details)

Generation Me Back from the Wars (now home again) Self Portrait: 5,40,72   NFS

The old woman from Mensa KNOWS what she's losing

From the Psych Ward

Democracy is coming

The one true prophecy Free will? Yes.
Freedom of Choice? No.
The Carousels of Paris


I find junk, see treasure.
I keep things for years until they find their place.

Life, The Universe, and All That

I've been an artist, and exhibited widely, for 50 years.
Mid-life career change? I used to be a mathematician, teacher, physicist, computer programmer
. . . it feels like another life, another person. I am very fortunate, having so many choices.

I live at Puniho in rural New Zealand with my partner, the painter Paul Hutchinson. It's a good life.

My works are in the collections of Puke Ariki, The Dowse Art Museum, the Govett Brewster Art Gallery, the Gisborne Museum and Arts Centre, Massey University, the James Wallace Art Trust and the Lessedra International Art Collection. And in private collections. I miss them, these lost treasures.

Photo by Robbii, USA

More of my work, and the books which I make, can be seen on my site at dalecopeland.co.nz

Click here if you'd like to read my CV / biography.

email Dale at dale@tart.co.nz

Or phone 06 752 8126 and leave a message.

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All images © Dale Copeland